
Back to School Vaccination Clinics

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Back to School Vaccination Clinics

Kindergarten & Seventh Grade Only

UCHD Provo Site

151 S. University Ave. #1600

Nebo School District

July 13, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

July 14, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

July 15, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

Benefits Open Enrollment Meeting

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Benefits Open Enrollment Meeting

June 9, 2020.

Salem Hills High School

Two Sessions 10:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.

Chromebooks will be available for you to complete enrollment.

Please wear a mask and observe social distancing.

KSL Outdoors–Turkey Hunt with Nebo Students

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Each year King’s Camo surprises special kids with a special gift. These Nebo students, Quinton Jones at Spanish Oaks Elementary and Kai Belk at Orchard Hills Elementary, were both chosen to go on a fully-guided 2020 turkey hunt as well as a fully-guided fishing trip at Strawberry. 

CentraCom Donates to Nebo Education Foundation

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Faylyn Catmull, the Communications Development Director for CentraCom, surprised Nebo Education Foundation with a generous donation of $1,000. 

Nebo Athletic Excellence Award Winners Announced

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Congratulations to Hailee Oldroyd, a graduate from Salem Hills High School, and Payton Murphy, a graduate from Springville High School, for being chosen as the Nebo Athletic Excellence Award Winners for 2020. 

Nebo School District Retirees for 2020

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

A total of 40 Nebo employees are retiring for a total of 925.5 years of service in Nebo. Congratulations Nebo Heroes. Thank you for all your service to Nebo students.