
Christmas Comes to Nebo Teachers December 2017

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

The Nebo Education Foundation gives gifts in the form of grants to various Nebo teachers across the district.

Congratulations to the following teachers that continue to bless the lives of students. 

Nebo Teacher Recipient of Gallo Grant - Nebo Hero

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Nebo Hero, Amy Banks, teacher at Diamond Fork Junior, recently attended the Assembly on Literature for the Adolescents conference through the National Council of Teachers of English in St. Louis, Missouri.  Mrs.

Nebo Sports Captains Come Together for Sportsmanship

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Nebo School District held the Captain’s Academy for all Nebo Junior High and High School sports captains participating in winter sports. This event, held three times a year, helps the student athletes focus on leadership and sportsmanship.

Maple Mountain High Wins Prestigious Award Four Years out of Five

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Mark Hunter, the Utah Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (UIAAA) president, announced Wednesday, November 28, 2017, to a packed Maple Mountain High School student body crowd, that Maple Mountain earned the prestigious Utah Director’s Cup for the 2017

Nebo Foundation Grants Awarded in November 2017

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Nebo Education Foundation board members meet each month to review and award grant requests, consider fund-raising avenues, and other items that advance the educational opportunities for Nebo School District students.