
Attention Chess Fans

Submitted by ts on

Be aware of the following upcoming Chess events:

Online Coding Courses for Grades Sixth through Twelfth Grades

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Online coding courses available for sixth through twelfth grades. Coding courses prepare students for AP or Concurrent Enrollment Computer Science courses and provide a pathway to extraordinary internships and great careers.

Springville High Drama Surprised by Anonymous $5,000 Donation

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Springville High received another anonymous donation of $5,000 for the drama department through the Nebo Education Foundation. Lana Hiskey, Nebo Education Foundation executive director, presented the generous donation to drama teacher, Christian Cragun.

In Memory of Ralph Henry Andrus, Jr.

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Generous funds were donated on behalf of Ralph Henry Andrus, Jr. to the Nebo Education Foundation. Mr. Andrus taught history, including our Founding Fathers of this great nation, at Spanish Fork Junior High. Please see the following link to learn more about Ralph. 

David Rowe – Elementary Director

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

The Nebo School Board of Education appointed David Rowe as the Elementary Director for Nebo School District. He received his Bachelor’s of Education and Master’s of Educational Leadership from Brigham Young University.