
Mapleton Junior High School HOPE Squad

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Creating an Impact through Training

To start off the year, HOPE Squad advisors plan an initial training for HOPE Squad members which can act as a kick-start to the year and a way to inspire HOPE Squad members, showing them the importance of their role.    

Christmas Book Share

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Christmas Book Share

Katherine Beck and Dwight Liddiard
will share some 2014 Christmas Books

Advanced Learning Center's Students Design Computer Program

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Braden Jensen and Braeden Watson, in the Advanced Learning Center's (ALC) Computer Programming classes, designed and programmed a client server application for Maple Mountain High School's (MMHS) dramatic presentation of “The P

Springville Mayor's Student Awards

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Hard working, positive, compassionate and kind are all words that were used to describe three fantastic students at Tuesday’s Springville City Council Meeting.  Nominations for the Springville Mayor’s Recognition Award are turned into Springville City throughout the month as citizens, teachers, a

BYU Recognizes Two SHS Math Students

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Congratulations to Ashley McConnell and William Wallace of Springville High School in Nebo School District.

Orchard Hills Celebrates Fall Dance Festival - Answer to Wednesday's Challenge

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Orchard Hills Celebrates Fall Dance Festival

Orchard Hills Elementary School in Santaquin celebrated the annual Fall Dance Festival. The festival gets bigger and better each year with thousands of spectators and is performed outdoors to accommodate the large crowd.