
Nebo School District Appoints Administrators for 2021

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Bart Peery – Appointed Administrator of the Advanced Learning Center (ALC)
The Nebo School Board of Education appointed Mr. Bart Peery as the Administrator of the Advanced Learning Center (ALC) for Nebo School District.

Nebo Kindness -- Answer to Wednesday Challenge

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Nebo celebrates kindness. Many of our schools are encouraging kindness in a variety of ways. Here are just a few. (Remember to scroll through the photos.)

Goshen Elementary spotlights: "In a world where you can be anything, be kind!"

Nebo Education Foundation Gives Grants January 2021

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Nebo Education Foundation board members meet each month to review and award grant requests, consider fund-raising avenues, and other items that advance the educational opportunities for Nebo School District students.

Where Are We Wednesday, January 27, 2021?

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Where are we Wednesday, January 27, 2021? Name the place and event that happened in Nebo School District. Remember to scroll through the photos.