2025 Boundary Consideration Changes

Proposed Adjustments

Nebo School District is considering boundary realignments of certain elementary schools located in the Spanish Fork and Mapleton areas. The specific school boundaries under review are contained within the Sierra Bonita Elementary School and Maple Ridge Elementary School catchment areas.

Below is a timeline of scheduled meetings and opportunities for public input.

Wednesday, January 8th

Board Update and Public Opportunity to Address the Board (6:00 p.m.)
- Update the Board on the process and an opportunity for the public to address the Board regarding the boundary realignment.

Monday, February 3rd

Open House at Sierra Bonita Elementary School (3:30-4:30 p.m.)
- 53 S 1800 E, Spanish Fork

Wednesday, February 12th

Public Opportunity to Address the Board (6:00 p.m.) and Boundary Hearing (7:00 p.m.)
- Information regarding boundary recommendations and patron input will be shared and discussed with the Board.

Wednesday, March 12th

Public Opportunity to Address the Board (6:00 p.m.)

Wednesday, March 12th

Board Resolution on School Boundary Changes

Thursday, March 13th- Friday, April 11th

Enrollment Requests
- Parents have 30 days after Board Resolution to request out of area enrollment (Open Enrollment).

If you would like to provide input, please use THIS FORM.

Commonly asked questions with answers can be found on this Frequently Asked Questions Document. If you have additional questions, please contact your local elementary school principal or email question-comment@nebo.edu.

Thank you for your time.

Maple Ridge to Sierra Bonita Proposed Change Map