Special Education

Child Find

If your child is not in a Special Education program and you suspect there is a disability, please contact your child’s teacher or principal to discuss your concerns if your child is currently enrolled in school.

If you suspect that your child has a disability, and your child is younger than 2 years 9 months of age, please contact Kids Who Count at 801-423-3000 to schedule an appointment.

If your child is preschool age (starting at 2 years 9 months), please contact our Preschool Testing Center at 801-489-3021.

If your child is school-aged and lives within the boundaries of Nebo School District and not attending a Charter School, please contact the Principal (Local Education Agent-LEA) at your child’s public school of residence to discuss your concerns. As a result of those discussions, the LEA will meet with a multidisciplinary team to determine the need for intervention and/or evaluation. Students may also be referred for Special Education evaluations by their teacher or by the LEA.

The requirements of this section apply to:

  1. Highly mobile students with disabilities (such as students who are migrant and homeless).
  2. Students who have been suspended or expelled from school.
  3. Students who have not graduated from high school with a regular high school diploma.
  4. Students who are suspected of being a student with a disability under these Rules and who are in need of special education and related services, even though they are advancing from grade-to-grade. The determination that a student is a “student with a disability” under these Rules must be made on an individual basis, by a team made up of the parent and school personnel determined by the student’s LEA.
  5. Home school students within the LEA’s boundaries.

If you are a caseworker of a student-in-care, please contact the school where the student is enrolled.

If your student is attending a private school located in the boundaries of Nebo School District, please contact the Special Education Department at the District Office.

If you have any questions regarding the Child Find process, please contact the Special Education Department at 801-354-7416.

Public Links

Internal Department Website

Department Contact Information

Alicia Rudd

Director of Special Education & Federal Programs

Daun Sorensen

Program Secretary (Special Education, Title 1, 3, 6)

Brent Coffman

Special Education Coordinator

Janelle Bond

Secretary (SCRAMS)

Mandi Langford

Secretary (Files)

Marcy Romero

Secretary (Medicaid)

Nora Estrella

Secretary (Bilingual Parent Liaison)

Randi Darrington

Secretary (Title 3, GenEd Behavior)

District Level Specialists

Alyssa Larsen

High School, Post High and ESC/ASC/ISC Specialist

Casey Johnson

Psychology Specialist

Diane Hamilton

Secondary Resource Specialist

Jamie Pintar

Literacy Specialist, Elementary Resource

Jared Toone

Behavior Specialist

Jill Strong

TK, Technology and Transportation Specialist

Laura Puntsag

Preschool Specialist

Leney Edvalson

Severe/Profound Elementary Specialist

Lorie Reese

Speech/Language Specialist

Lorin Binks

Secondary Resource Specialist

Megan Langford

Middle School Resource Specialist

Tasha Lewis

Middle School, Junior High, and ESC/ASC Specialist

Other Specialists

Candi Bown


Jeannie Olsen

Vision Specialist

Karin Caswell

Autism Testing Team

Katee Westover

Vision Specialist

Katrina Davenport

Hearing Specialist

Mark Jones

Motor Team Leader

Molly Rosenbaum

Autism Testing Team

Neeley Kay

Behavioral Specialist

Compliance Team

Lorin Binks

Secondary Resource Specialist

Tara Makin

File Compliance

Trudy McGuire

File Compliance