YouTube Instructions

Every school has a YouTube account that has been created for them.  If you require access to publish to this account, contact David Wadley (david [dot] wadley [at] nebo [dot] edu).

Login to YouTube and Upload Videos

  • Visit YouTube, click "Sign In".
  • It will ask you if you want to log in as the school or as you. Pick the school.
  • Subsequently, you can change who you are logged in as by clicking the user logo in the top right corner. You usually will want to upload videos to the school channel, not your personal channel.
  • Click the Upload button (top right) to upload new videos.


Add Closed Captioning

  • As a government entity, we are required to make our websites fully accessible. This includes adding Closed Captioning to our videos.
  • From the edit page of the video click the "Subtitles & CC" tab on the top.
  • If prompted, select video's source language (for auto processing).
  • Select the default Closed Caption provided: English (Automatic). (This option may not show immediately.)
  • Watch the video to check accuracy of automatic transcription.
  • If needed, click "Edit" button (top right)
  • Make the necessary edits
  • Click the "Publish edits" button (top right)


Embed a video into a Story

  • From the YouTube Video page, click "Share" > "Embed", and copy the text provided.
  • Create a story as usual on the website
  • Change "Text format" to "Full HTML"
  • Click "Disable rich-text" to turn off the editor (This will show the HTML code for the page).
  • Paste the embed code into the body field.
  • Click "Enable rich-text" to return to the regular editor (You should now see the video within the body.)
  • Be sure to "Save" the story.