SHHS Student makes the most of Internship Opportunity!

Submitted by seth.sorensen on
Megan Williamson photograph
Megan Williamson, a senior at Salem Hills High is having the time of her life interning with Cole Wissinger at TeamHive.Live (a CentraCom company) this semester! She took TV Broadcasting, Video Production, Sports & Entertainment Marketing, Film Making, Entrepreneurship and Photography at her high school and the Digital Media Capstone class at the Advanced Learning Center to qualify for this internship. 
Learning about the broadcast system, having hands-on experience with the camera, networking, and watching how the broadcasters work will all assist in helping her break into this career field after graduation.
If you would like more information about Nebo School District's Internship program, visit our website  or email cteinterns [at] nebo [dot] edu (cteinterns[at]nebo[dot]edu)
Chris Thomas