Student athletes in Nebo School District were recognized for their academic excellence as well as their athletic accomplishments for the 2021 Fall Sports season by the Nebo School Board of Education.
Veterans Day is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans, who are people who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
Spanish Fork Junior High's teacher, Mr. Rawlings, asked his Manufacturing Tech students, "What can we do with all the extra fruit and vegetables that students are not eating (but throwing away)?" This sparked the idea of Organic Recycling.
Congratulations to the Maple Mountain High FFA Agricultural Sales team for Third Place in the NATION at the National FFA Convention last week. The team worked hard to prepare for the contest and their hard work paid off!
The PBS KIDS Reading Marathon is taking place during the month of November. Children (ages preschool - 6th grade) are encouraged to read 20 minutes per day or 600 minutes total throughout the month.
As the pandemic’s unseen costs begin to unfold on the mental health front, some wonder how school children will be impacted. Despite the massive challenge we face, there are growing resources to help families who are struggling.